
contemplating girlThe list is long and tiresome

Of personal disillusionment

Things that erode away,

bit by bit what should have

me satisfied.

Pain of mind, of spirit of body,

that marks the passage of time,

of life lived with good times and bad,

Pain, that would have faded by now

If only I had let it.

Why do I keep it close by

the list that hinders my sight?

Why do I not instead favor

what comforts and illumines me?

Why instead of grousing, complaining

bitching and moaning

am I not content, at peace

seeing all around

the beauty that surrounds me?

Its difficult

to trade grumbling for thanksgiving

Its hard to refocus on the good I have

instead of fixating on the bad

Who will it hurt to polar shift my mind?

Who will it hurt if I don’t?

Maybe I’ll one day master

gratitude as a focus

thankful for what life has gifted me,

each thing that’s made it richer


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One Reply to “”

  1. It’s hard…sometimes it is healthy to vent and not hold it in. Balancing this and thanksgiving can be a hard act.


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