Hear me Snore

snoring“You snore.”

That’s a personal trait that most of us do not want to admit. I know I certainly didn’t. I first heard that a few years ago, thanks to my daughters. Of course I didn’t really believe them, or blamed it on allergies. I’m allergic to all sorts of ordinary things, although not as much as I used to be, thanks to five years of allergy shots. Still, on occasion my children would mention that I snored.

When I remarried, I had to adjust to sharing a bed with another person again. Thankfully we have a king sized bed. I know I have chronic insomnia, and frequent back pain, so I tried hard to ensure my tossing and turning wasn’t keeping him awake. He has back and hip issues, so has done the same for me. He has gently mentioned that I do snore, but has never made a big deal of it, just so I didn’t hog the covers and spent at least a part of the night snuggled up close.

Then last winter we went to Texas to visit the oldest. We took a side trip to San Antonio, and we shared a room with Mike. He woke me up several times in the night telling me that my snoring was disturbing his sleep. The next morning he suggested I get it looked after, as I was also stopping breathing during my nasal orchestrations. I said I’d get it checked out, then promptly forgot about it.

Flash forward to this past summer. We went to the beach with Mike and the darling woman he’d soon marry. That is when that stinker of a child recorded me whilst I slept! I’d snore, then sound like I was choking, then silence. Gary, has told me that I also will say “no” when this happens as if my subconscious is telling me to not do that. I had to accept that I had sleep apnea….a condition that robs people of a restful night’s sleep and can lead to all sorts of health problems, including the more permanent one of death.

So I made an appointment for a sleep study. Those are an experience. I was placed in a room with a nice bed, not the hospital kind, but a real, double bed. There are cameras aimed at the bed, so you know every move you make will be observed. In order not to miss any nocturnal activities, I also have about 68 cords attached to me to monitor movement, including a mic taped to my neck to record my vocal cords. Several corded monitors were attached to my legs and torso, the rest were semi glued onto my scalp.

wiredNo it wasn’t that extensive, but It sure felt like it.

Once I was all nice and hooked up. It was time for me to attempt sleep. That took a good hour, maybe two. I was having a back pain flare up that was causing my left hip to spasm and my leg to twitch. Not pleasant. Eventually I slept, only to have my bladder wake me up far too soon. They unhooked me, stating they’d had enough for a sound diagnosis and sent me home. I immediately went back to bed, to try to catch an hour or so more sleep.

I then got to do it all again several weeks later, this time with this little machine called a c-pap. I wore all the wiring plus a mask on my face that constantly blew air onto my face by way of a hose attached to a machine. The mask looks like kind of like the kind fighter pilots wear, but not as insect looking. “Goody.” I thought. “I’ll not sleep a wink.” once everything was ready for me to make the attempt.

Six hours later, they woke me up. To my surprise I was sleeping on my back. I never sleep on my back, because I feel like I’m suffocating if I try.

I now have my own personal machine. I used it for the first time last night, and all was quiet on my side of the bed. It will take a few nights to adjust the tightness on the mask because it tends to leak. When it does, the escaping air aims for an eye. Now I can again insist that I do not snore without wondering if I’m being completely honest.


6 Replies to “Hear me Snore”

  1. I had all this done a year ago October, what an incredible difference it makes with sleeping, once you get use to the mask. You’ll find that it helps with day time energy levels. What type of mask did they start you out with? For me I started with a nasal mask, hated it, now I have a full mask that covers nose and mouth. It works great!


  2. My brother just got a cpap. Those people I know that have one love the difference it makes. I just wonder why sleep apnea is so common these days.


    1. Because Sleep Apnea’s diagnosis and treatment are relatively new. Even though snoring had been around as long as humans has been on this plant. It’s just recently, with today’s technology, scientist have been able to find the cause. Sleep apnea first appeared in a medical journal in 1965, and it took 20 years to learn the cause and come up with an affordable non-surgical treatment.


      1. True. My grandfather, a respected ears nose and throat surgeon snored like a congested walrus.

        My oldest had sleep apnea as a child. The solution was to remove his tonsils and adenoids which were to big for his little skinny larnyx.

        Gary”s aunt had her uvula removed to help her apnea. That caused some complications with swallowing.

        Right now the only complication I know of is being too quiet as I sleep, which Gary isn’t used to. Other than that I’m sleeping soundly and feel rested…rested. A new concept for me


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